How do I uninstall a remote service?
Question asked by John Purpura - 9/23/2021 at 2:53 PM
I have to upgrade a SmarterStats service. Do I just run the newer installer and it will find the old one and upgrade it? Or, do I have to uninstall the old one? I can't figure out how to uninstall, if that is the procedure. It does not show up for me in control panel programs and features. I've searched for this answer but have come up empty.

My server is Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1.

I don't know how to tell what version my current SmarterStats service is but I see a SmarterStats10_ServiceOnly installer on my server.

I'm installing SmarterStats_ServiceOnly_7219.

Thank you,

John Purpura

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello John. You'll need to uninstall the previous version, then install the new version. What I do is this: 

- Stop the SmarterStats service on the remote and primary servers. 
- Uninstall SmarterStats on the remote and primary servers. 
- Install the new version on the primary. 
- Install the new version on the remote servers. 

Let me know how that works out for you. Please be sure to get backups of your data beforehand as well as it looks like you'll be upgrading a couple of versions. You can confirm the version using the profile menu in our web interface, once there click on About SmarterStats.
Have a good one!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
John Purpura Replied
Thanks for responding so quickly!

I mentioned in my question that I want to upgrade the SmarterStats service. That was probably not as clear as it should have been. I only want to do the service on one remote server. I have other remote services that are 7219 and I want to get this one remote server in line with them.

I cannot see how to uninstall the remote service as I mentioned. I don't see it in control panel. How do I do it?
John Purpura Replied
Anyone have recommendations on how to remove the SmarterStats service from a remote machine? I would appreciate them. The SmarterStats service is not showing up in Control Panel, Programs. I poked around the file system looking for an uninstall but see nothing.

All I can find on the web is a Windows executable called sc.exe that seems to be a way to remove the service from the registry and thus the services console. There is a manual way to locate the registry and remove it also with regedit.

I'm going to have to pursue this option, I guess. It will leave a lot of stuff in the file system that I will have to try and clean up.

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