Cookie Policy, Tracking and GDPR Compliance in SmarterStats
Idea shared by BMark - 8/6/2021 at 7:23 AM
Dear SM Team,

I would like to ask for the evaluation of integrating in Smarterstats a tool for managing compliance with the new EU cookie directive (tracking, banner, saving choices, IAB TCF 2.0, etc. ..) as it is already integrated into the server and hosted sites.
It would be a wonderful novelty and management that would greatly enrich the tool, compared to the competition.
Invitation to view this: https://www.onetrust.com/products/cookie-consent/

Clearly in a short time given the entry into force of the GDPR, CCPA, LGPD directives

What do you think?


2 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Good afternoon! :)

I just wanted to ask if you could outline the functionality you'd like to see added to SmarterStats so I can get this submitted as a feature request for you. I took a quick look at the site you'd referenced but it looks like they offer a variety of options. Are you hoping to see the tracking cookie identification functionality primarily? Thanks in advance for your clarification on this. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hi Kyle,

mainly the management of the new Cookie Compliance could be implemented in SmarterStats which provides for a series of obligations including the tracking and storage of Cookie Banner preferences, and could be implemented in the SMStats database offering the solution of "Cookie Consent Manager".

Core functionality should be:
- Meet global cookie compliance, including GDPR and CCPA
- Website Scanning to determine the cookies used (IAB Framework support and AdChoices)
- Cookie Banner
- Cookie Preferences Management
- Cross-domain consent
- Multi-language support
- link / view your privacy policy
- saving of users' cooking choices and Compilance detailed report

In the future other services could be developed in this sense but already such a base would be excellent and would open to SmarterStats some very important functions (also in contrast to Google Analytics which by its nature difficulties in managing cookies and privacy...).
Another example of the features I'm talking about you can find from the competitor here: https://trustarc.com/cookie-consent-manager/

The management of banner cookies and storage of preferences is already mandatory on sites according to the new GDPR and CCPA, so the tool would be in line with the market that is looking for these tools for facilitated management and tracking of choices. Good business to enrich SmarterStats.

Thanks for your evaluation

Have a nice day


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