Has anyone else seen trucated messages in Outlook 2016?
Problem reported by Jane Noel - 5/11/2021 at 1:44 PM
I'm running Build 7761.

Today a client complained that he wasn't seeing the whole email - the first couple hundred characters are there and the attachments, but it just cuts off.  This has happened to a h

In the webmail interface it's fine. He's using Outlook 2016 set up with IMAP.  I remoted to his computer and sees what he means. 

On some emails you'll see the warning that says: Click her to download pictures. To protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic downloads of some picture in this message.  But on the emails with missing text, there is no such warning.

He does have the ability to open in a browser from Outlook.  The message says something along the line "your browser may have different security settings than Oulook." His security settings (Trust Center) match mine. I'm not sure what other settings to check. Some things I was reading indicated IE cache could be involved. (I didn't try that yet).

I viewed the source on the message and can see that the code is all there. There's a scrollbar indicating the length of the message and I can move the scroll bar, but the message doesn't move or change. Some thing I read in a MS post said to try to reply or forward and see if the entire message appeared - it does not.

I have him running a repair on his PST overnight.

Has anyone seen this? Any ideas?


8 Replies

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JJ M. Replied

We are seeing this issue as of today as well. Running Build 7776 (Apr 16, 2021) which was installed over a week ago.

User has emails downloaded via IMAP on Outlook 2016 and only display the first line of the email. We are able to forward the emails to other providers (Gmail) and see the full message body.

Seems strange to have started today on its own. We've downloaded and run the latest Microsoft Office updates as well to download the latest version of Outlook 2016, but the issue persists.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
This isn't something I've seen reported thus far, and ask that you get a ticket submitted on this one if you end up needing help as we'd be happy to dig into it for you. Have a good one Jane!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Craig M Replied
Microsoft pushed out an Office update today that is causing the issue with Outlook regardless of the type of account you are using and regardless if you are Smartermail or Office 365 etc as the server.  I believe this is only affecting Outlook 2016 client or newer.  The only fix right now is to roll back to the prior version.

  • Open a command prompt by clicking on the Start Menu and typing CMD. When the 'Command Prompt' result appears, click on it.
  • In the command prompt type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun and press enter.
  • You will now be in the ClickToRun folder. Type officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13901.20462 and press enter
Once the rollback is complete, Outlook should display correctly again.  You can also disable the auto updates until a fix is released.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for your follow-up on this Craig. Do you have details on the update/fix/workaround from Microsoft I could take a look at by chance?
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Craig M Replied
Hi Kyle, here is the message from Microsoft: https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status/status/1392208966231355392

The rollback fix I posted does work, I've been running it for clients for the past 1 hour.  This is an Outlook issue regardless of the back end server.
Jane Noel Replied
Thanks Craig! Your post was a big help.  I've passed your info on to their IT team.
JJ M. Replied
Thanks Craig! Much appreciated!
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Thanks, Craig! I've tucked this way in case we receive any reports on it. You rock!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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