Webmail Send not working?
Question asked by Montague WebWorks - 3/11/2021 at 10:46 AM
Since switching temporarily to using the webmail interface on Build 7719 (Feb 18, 2021) I've noticed that sometimes, perhaps one in ten emails, clicking the Send button does nothing. I can see the little animated fade onclick, but the button remains blue. Sometimes I get a red alert in the bottom right corner telling me it failed to save a draft, and each click of the send button pops up another alert. The only remedy at that point is to copy the content of my email to the clipboard, close that window, and reply again, pasting my content in, and then clicking send.

I haven't been able to forcibly replicate the behavior, but it happens often enough that I'm thinking it must also be happening for my customers.

I don't want to open a ticket about this because I can't replicate it, and I'm not sure if anyone else is seeing this behavior.
Mik MullerMontague WebWorks

5 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello! This is something we've had reported in a few environments, but usually only impacting one or two users. We've investigated these issues in house, but have not been able to replicate the behaviors in testing here. As such, can you provide the following please (if other people experiencing these issues could also comment the following that would be very helpful!)

- What browser and browser version are you seeing this in?
- Is this a Windows or Mac computer? What version?
- Do you have any browser addons or extensions installed as well such as password managers, clipboard management software, script blockers, etc?
- Do you run an antivirus or firewall application on this computer? 
- Are you transitioning between networks at any point before this occurs? This would include wifi being temporarily down, switching to a hardwired network connection, etc.

Thanks in advance!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Montague WebWorks Replied
Hah! And it happened again on my very next email! Here are two separate screenshots. The blue "Saving Draft" alert stayed up on my new email window for a long time until I clicked the X. From that point, every time I clicked Send the red alert popped up for five seconds. Anyone else have that issue?

Mik MullerMontague WebWorks
Montague WebWorks Replied
To answer your questions, Kyle.

- What browser and browser version are you seeing this in? Is this a Windows or Mac computer? What version?
I use FireFox 86.0 (64-bit), latest version I believe, on a Windows 10 PC.

- Do you have any browser addons or extensions installed as well such as password managers, clipboard management software, script blockers, etc?

I have these extensions:

... and these add-ons:

- Do you run an antivirus or firewall application on this computer?

I have WebRoot running, as well as Windows Defender.

- Are you transitioning between networks at any point before this occurs? This would include wifi being temporarily down, switching to a hardwired network connection, etc.

Nope. I'm on a hard wire.

I haven't received any calls from my customers, but since we're all using the same email server (current version) I can't see how it's not happening for them, too.

Mik MullerMontague WebWorks
SmarterUser Replied
Happens to me fairly often, although I can't force it to happen. Happens on both new messages and replies. Some of our users have reported it as well. When it happens, you have to copy and paste your text into a new message.

I'm on Firefox 86.0.1 on Windows 10.   
Only extension is LastPass.  OpenH264 and Widevine are the only two plugins.
Using Bitdefender AV and firewall.
On a synchronous 250mbps fiber connection, and not transitioning.

Linda Pagillo Replied
I also have users with the same issue even after upgrading to the latest build this past weekend (SmarterMail Enterprise 100.0.7719.31036 (Feb 18, 2021).
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller

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