Smartertrack Ticket HTML view
Problem reported by Emanuele Tomasi - 2/24/2021 at 9:37 AM
Not A Problem

there will be the possibility in the future to set HTML view as default view mode?

Because plain text is really annoying, you cannot see : images, fonts, clickable links, signatures, etc...

I know this has been already asked in the past.

Thank you.

6 Replies

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Michael Replied
It's been asked in the past and no traction. I wonder why smarter track developers prefer the plain text view? It's not clear to us either. 
Emanuele Tomasi Replied
Hi Michael,

probably the reason is the performance, but If there will be a dropbox and you can choose HTML or Plain Text, and you give up some speed for better viewer, I don't understand why not.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Non-HTML view is default to provide a unified formatting, better performance, and to protect the server from compromise due to embedded HTML and other content. To view HTML versions of that response though you can click the ...>Show HTML.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Emanuele Tomasi Replied
Hi Kyle,

we know that, but if there will be the possibility to set HTML as default view for ticket comments it would be very useful.

Plain text is limiting (no images,no fonts, no clickable links,no signatures....), select every time on all messages "Show HTML" is not serious ...in my opinion.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Emanuele, and thanks for your follow up on this. This makes sense, and I'd be happy to get a feature request submitted for you on this. Please stand by and I'll follow up with you on the submitted ticket/request. Have a good one!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Emanuele! I am copying my reply here as well so other users/administrators can benefit from the follow up.

Just a quick follow up on this for you as someone here read my reply and discussed this further with me. Based on what I've had described to me, I need to correct my previous reply! 

The plain text default here was purposefully implemented so that the ticketing interface can display as much of the pertinent detail as possible to the agent  using it, and is similar to how email applications display a message preview (in plain text) consisting of just a few lines. This allows the agent to complete a high level review, then dig into it further if necessary.

If the full message is required the agent should then use the Show HTML option to open the original message including its HTML and other content. This was a design choice in order to maximize the screen real estate usage for critical details and there are no plans at this time to modify this design. That said, I will certainly still forward your feedback regarding a default HTML view. I just wanted you to be aware of the full scope for the reason it was designed in this way. Please let me know if you have any questions on this. Have a good one!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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