Calendar has no contents post upgrade
Problem reported by Lakshan Salgado - 2/15/2021 at 2:43 PM
We upgraded from 15.7 to Build 7699 and a couple of things went wrong for a user. The mailbox was empty. A restart fixed that but the calendar is still blank. It was a very busy calendar with lots of events and I need to know how i can reattach it or fix it. I have already indexed the mailbox. . Also as a side bar 80% + of the domains did not have the host name populated and we had manually key them in and this was one of those domains

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Lakshan, and thanks for your post here. First, the hostname field on domains is expected, or at least is something we have seen previously. The hostname field used here wasn't present in the previous versions, so this is not set on upgrade. We have plans to default this to mail.domain-name.com in the future so it needs even less configuration!

On the calendar issues, this sounds like the user's original XML configuration files were not successfully converted to JSON format, and likely need a re-convert. Can I have you submit a ticket on this so we can take a look please? Hang on to your pre-upgrade backups for the moment as we can use these to reconvert the account as well. Thanks in advance!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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