bulk moving of mail
Question asked by Robbie Wright - 12/1/2014 at 11:30 PM
Migrated a client with 11k items in his deleted folder and the import tool his old trash folder under his inbox. We'd like to move the items out of his trash folder under his inbox into the SM default deleted items folder but with that many items SM is having a very hard time. Can we go into the SM directory and manually move the files in the folder strucuture or will that create a black hole in the email universe? Do we have to use the web interface and move a few dozens items at a time?

6 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Robbie,
The safest method would be to move these messages within the SmarterMail web interface.  
Robbie Wright Replied
Yeah, we tried that but ran into a number of issues. We've got 4 procs and 16 gigs of ram on our main SM server and webmail totally choked on trying to move any of the files around. Like had to reboot the entire server bad. We're linking it up to Outlook and moving them around through that now. Or at least trying to.
Robbie Wright Replied
Ron, had this come up again today with another customers. We want to help them move their storage/saved email folder out of their inbox but you can't drag n drop folders in the web ui, only messages. So they have to manually create the new folders in webmail, then manually move the mail items, and then delete the older folder under their inbox. Is that correct or am I missing something?
Steve Reid Replied
Some improvements in this area are greatly needed.
Michael Lewis Replied
We are facing this with a few users too. Maybe a suggestion of a "Move Mailbox" function at the domain level and system level is needed.
My Other suggestions: http://bit.ly/segoideas
ellisfr Replied
I didn't try with SM 13, but with previous versions, moving large number of emails using the web interface usually leads to problem (duplicate messages etc...).
I was using the following steps :
- Stop SmarterMail
- From windows desktop on the SM Server, move the files from the old folder to the new one (folder must be existing, if not, create it from the webmail before stopping SM, do not create it from Windows)
- delete the file mailbox.cfg in both folder (old and new one)
- restart SmarterMail
It seems SM 13 better handle this now, you can check the KB here :
look at the "Restore a User's Emails / Move a Large Number of Messages" part of the document.

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