Good afternoon!
I've been trying in several ways to obtain the token to operate the API, but even following the insufficient examples in the manual, I am not successful.
Would anyone have a working example of how to get the token?
I've tried,
Return ({
"isImpersonating": false,
"canViewPasswords": false,
"accessToken": "",
"refreshToken": "",
"accessTokenExpiration": null,
"username": null,
"success": false,
"resultCode": 400,
"message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I have the return (" Missing token in authorization header ")
I have the return ({"message": "Validation errors: [invalid, Invalid input parameters]"})
Does anyone have any ideas ?
Complementing: I tested with POSTMAN and via console with JQUERY as manual.
Thanks in advance
Gustavo Leal