Tickets Ticket Idle Events not triggered on customer email filter
Question asked by Marcel Ammann - 9/3/2020 at 2:15 AM
Hi I have cretaed multiple Events with following settings:

Categoriy: Ticket
Event Type: Idle

Idle Minutes : Greater than 50 ( Depending on SLA)
Group : Not Equal XXXX (Servicerequest Group)
Assigned Agent : Equals Queue
Customer Email: Ends With e.g axacom.ch

I have tested it but the Event does not trigger. I have open the ticket from the Customer Email.

I have around 30 Evnents with different Idle Time (for SLA) and Customer e-Mails

There is on Ticket that does not have the filter Customer Email and the Idle Time for 110 Minutes.

After 110 Minutes this SEvents is triggered but not hte first one that shoul be triggered after 50 Minutes.

Is there a Log where I cann see why the Event was not trigged by the Customer E-Mail filter?

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