No longer able to position the Live Chat link with CSS!?!?!?
Problem reported by Fred Hung - 8/31/2020 at 4:05 AM
I just upgraded to the latest version a few days ago and my chat badge jumped to the lower corner of our company website. I see that there is now an option for choosing top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right...but no option for specifying the class I've assigned to the element on my production site stylesheet or the ID of the div element on my page. None of the options given will work with our current design.

What was the thinking behind eliminating our ability to locate the chat link in the position we'd most prefer??

What's more, we also can no longer create plain text Live Chat links, nor position them where we need them.

I just can't imagine why you'd diminish your product this way....

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Tahir Replied
Yeah last week we have struggled to adjust the chat icon fitting on our website with different screen resolution size :)

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