Content Filter Routing & Spam Filter order
Question asked by Jason Wilhelm - 7/23/2020 at 12:28 PM
Anyone quickly know when an email is processed if it is first touched by the spam filtering (Cyren/Sniffer) or does it hit the content filters first. After our update to 7503 (from 7242) we are having odd spam & filter issues.

SmarterMail Enterprise
Build 7503 (Jul 17, 2020)

6 Replies

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Jason Wilhelm Replied
FYI below is the response I received from SM support. If this is correct this is a big change from how the system previously worked (7242 and prior). Previously emails would be processed by spam filtering and then content filtering without issues. I am opening a ticket for clarification and workarounds if needed.

In SmarterMail spam filters will be the first filter a message is hits. Messages will only go through one content filter. So if a message is mark as spam by the spam filter it will not go through a domain or user content filter. I'm not sure how long the content filtering has worked this way, but it has been implemented like this for quite some time.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Jason

Filters run in order: Spam filtering first, then content filters. Then, content filters run top-down in order.

That said, as long as your spam filter doesn't delete or move a message (to Deleted Items, for example) content filters SHOULD also run on messages after they've gone through spam checks.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jason Wilhelm Replied
    Thanks. I have opened up a ticket for this, I do believe there is an issue right now with the spam filters and content filters working correctly. 
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Yeah, I see it Jason. We'll do some testing on our end as well, just to make sure.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ron Raley Replied

Our spam filter does, in fact, move a message to Junk E-mail (Low Probability).

I established a content filter in a user account:
Condition Spam Probability Low or Above
Move message to Inbox

But it doesn't seem to run.  Should it?

Jason Wilhelm Replied
Good morning all. Sorry for the late update but this has indeed been found to be a bug. The ticket is still open and support will hopefully be getting it squished in the next week or two. 

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