Draft Save frequency setting
Idea shared by Chris - 7/1/2020 at 7:32 PM
In Smartermail 15, there used to be a draft save frequency setting to 2 minutes, 4 minutes, off, etc. 

In current build this setting is gone, and some users are reporting the drafts are saving too frequently and the green toast notification is annoying.

They are requesting to be able to disable or set a time for draft auto-saves.

7 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
We have noticed as a bug in the latest build that after the initial draft auto-save, that there were times that it would save again every few seconds instead of the fixed frequency of 2 minutes. This became an issue after we last updated the 3rd-party editor Froala. This has been resolved and will be included in the next public release.
That's good news, we were getting a lot of people complaining about the draft issue. 

However, what would be even better if you gave them the option in Settings to select how often the drafts are saved like before. In other words, it would be great to bring that option back since it has been omitted in the latest version.
We have very frustrated customers calling us on this!  We need a REAL ETA on the fix, not just a "In the next release", please.
PDSI Support - Did you bother reading the release notes?

Fixed: When typing up a message, the Draft Saved toast appears multiple times in a row.
Has this issue ever been addressed?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Tech365,

At this time, we don't plan to bring back the setting to adjust the frequency of the draft save. However, in the latest build of SmarterMail, users have the option to disable draft auto-save, if desired. 

Thank you for the reply. We've received 4 reports of this over the past few months as being annoying and unusable. We've had to purchase Outlook or use Thunderbird to help them not be so frustrated with the notifications. 

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