Prevent Domain Admins from changing Mailbox Size
Question asked by Kevin McNally - 5/21/2020 at 11:36 AM
Is there a way to for us to prevent Domain Admins from changing the Mailbox Sizes on accounts. We sell our service with a certain amount of space, but some admins are going in and changing them to unlimited and I can't monitor this.

It seems like a lot of providers charge by the amount of space, so I am assuming this would be standard.

Thank you,

3 Replies

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JerseyConnect Team Replied
I think the only way is to hide the mailbox size field, that's what we do. Edit SmarterTools\SmarterMail\MRS\Interface\app\settings\domain-settings\users\user.html and comment out the md-input-container block  for mailbox size. Be aware this need to be reapplied after every update.

We wish there was a way to restrict the mailbox size through the UI.
echoDreamz Replied
Yes, we do this as well, we comment out a lot of the action buttons like "Delete" etc. to force users to use our control panel.
Kevin McNally Replied
Thank you for the help, I am going to do this.

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