How is MAPI implementation going?
Question asked by Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS - 2/13/2020 at 7:45 AM
How is MAPI implementation going?

We would like to hear about the development of the "Exchange" features, because unfortunately in recent times we have seen almost only BUG corrections not strictly related to MAPI (POP3, IMAP, ActiveSync, file corruption, etc ...)...

We are very happy that many BUGs have been corrected, but we would like to see some news on the MAPI front!
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS
Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)

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echoDreamz Replied
For us, it's not. Cant use it at all as it crashes the IIS worker process.

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