There is an event setup to send an email to the domain administrator when the domain's disk space used is greater than 90%. However, it only triggers on certain domains. Other domains which are over the 90% never get an email. Here is how this event is setup:
Event Name: Domain Disk Space Used
Event Status: Enabled
Event Category: Domain
Event Type: Domain Disk Space Used
Condition: Domain Usage (%)
Condition Operator: Greater Than
Value: 90
Action: Send an email
Maximum Frequency: 1 hour
To Address: #primarydomainadmin#
Subject: Domain disk space notification
Message: Your domain #domain# is #domainusagepercent#% full using #domainusagemb# MB of storage. Please have your users delete or archive some of their mail. All mail will be rejected if your domain reaches 100% of storage capacity.
Is there a reason why this event isn't being triggered by all our domains which are using over 90% of disk space?