Anyone else having issues w/ Outlook App on ios?
Problem reported by Joe Dellaragione - 10/30/2019 at 7:16 AM
Seems to be in the last 2-3 months, I can't sign into my EAS account with the Microsoft Outlook app on iOS. I get invalid username/password. Tried using AD authentication, SM authentication, will not work. It used to work and it works on the android version ... Anyone else experiencing this? 

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Alex Clarke Replied
I've had an issue with the same app, but my problem is that all emails for my EAS account show that I've replied to them (even the new emails I received and haven't yet replied to!).

This doesn't happen with IMAP accounts, just my EAS one.

Spoke to ST and they advised that the app was the issue. So, I spoke to Microsoft and they're telling me it's the server!

I've not got access to a true Exchange server (running the same version of EAS) to perform a test... at the moment.

Do you have the same issue (when you can log in, obviously)?

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