EWS Logs are being flooded (Version: 15.3)
Problem reported by Allan Romme - 8/6/2019 at 5:16 AM

The last 2 weeks i have been having issues with my EWS logs being flooded with the same error over and over again.

Anyone here got any idea on what i can do about it? and how to stop it?

Before the 23rd of July the EWS logs where between 2 and 30KB. Since the 23rd they have been between 100.000KB and 20.000.000KB each day.

This is the error they are getting flooded with.

02:22:02  - EXCEPTION System.Exception: Message does not exist

Server stack trace:
   at MailService.Remoting.Mail.GetAttachmentInfo(String sessionStr, String emailAddress, String folderName, UInt32 messageUid)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at SmarterMail.RemoteInterface.IMail.GetAttachmentInfo(String sessionStr, String emailAddress, String folderName, UInt32 messageUID)
   at SMWeb.HelperClasses.RemoteWrapper.GetAttachmentInfo(UserData USER, String email, String folder, UInt32 uid)
   at SMWeb.EWS.EwsItemFunctions.HandleAdditionalItemProperties(BasePathToElementType[] additionalProperties, MessageData itemData, MessageType& messageType, String parent, UserData owner)
   at SMWeb.EWS.EwsItemFunctions.SetItemProperties(ItemResponseShapeType shape, MessageData message, MessageType& messageType, String folderPath, UserData owner)
   at SMWeb.EWS.EwsItemFunctions.GetItem(GetItemType request)

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Allan, this looks like the client-side message index might be out of sync with the server's message index. Can you try the following?

1. Remove the account configuration from the affected user's mail client.
2. Log in to their account via webmail and navigate to Settings. 
3. Locate the Synchronized Devices area, and remove the entry associated with that mail client.
4. Add the account back in to the email client and monitor for further issues. 

Let me know how this works out for you. Have a great day!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Merle Wait Replied
Did this work?  
I have a client using emclient.. via EWS.. and is getting the exact same thing

We are on SM15.x - but the latest and greatest of whatever is out there.

Also - does remove mean:
1. Remove the account configuration from the affected user's mail client.  ...
Does that mean delete all together and then re-add later?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Merle,

You would remove the account from eM Client first, then go into webmail and delete the entry for eM Client in Synchronized Devices.  Then add it back into eM Client.  

In version 15.x Synchronized Devices is found in Settings > My Settings > Synchronized Devices.  In 16.x and higher it is found in the Synchronized Devices under Settings > Connectivity.

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