The domain size limit has been exceeded?? :-(
Problem reported by michaeljmann - 8/4/2019 at 10:02 PM
We have Enterprise license so their should be no size limits.  We are testing importing for our account list in .csv file.  

There are 15K user accounts we need to create (no we are not spamming).  We were able to successfully import with smaller lists, reducing size worked to install 1000 user accounts.  During experimenting with the mapping options we have deleted and attempted to reinstall from our list.  And now we get the message every time no matter the size of the .csv file or changing the mapping options.  Very strange to have success on the import, than importing brings up the message.

Import from CSV dialogue box comes up and states at top "998 accounts detected in the file.  This may exceed the system or domain user limits"  And even though we setup column for password, SM keeps asking us for temporary password.  Have restarted the smartermail service.
This smartermail installation is running on dedicated server with plenty of processor and memory for years.  Mostly dev work done here, not even a total of 100 user accounts.

Thanks in advance to any and all that can help us solve this

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Hi Michael,

As the system administrator you can set a limit on the number of users for the domain.  Please edit the domain from the Manage menu (as the sys admin) and see what you have set for "Users" in the Limits card.  You can set this to "0" to make it unlimited.
michaeljmann Replied
Many Thanks Emily!  Oversight on our part :-)  I am curious however that we have 15K users we need to create, that SM could not digest this large file, so we cut it in half, to 7500 users, no problem to process that and create the users, but SM would not import the the other 7500, so we cut that in half to 3500, no prob SM imported that, tried to import the remaining 3500, SM did not like that and gave error.  Cut that in half no prob SM digested the import, but rejected remainder.    Is there something we can do to flush the cache or whatever is preventing importation of 120kb .csv files?
Employee Replied
Employee Post

I'm not sure why SmarterMail wouldn't let you upload the files to add the users.  Make sure you are running either the current Build of SmarterMail or at least the most current minor release of the version your license is eligible for.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
    Michael I sent you a DM on the community with my email. I could validate this against my debug version if you can toss me one of those files that can reproduce the issue. I just want to make sure this isn't an issue when importing a large amount of users and this is a case we don't normally come across often and would like to make sure there are no problems at all with it. I can also help you out and make sure we get all those users imported. As Emily mentioned above, make sure you are on the latest first.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Michael, 

I understand that Matt Petty has been working with you via Conversations in our Community. However, this isn't our preferred method of handling customer issues. We prefer to do it via support tickets so we can better track issues through to resolution. As such, I started a support ticket with you directly. That ticket will be sent via email and can be handled by logging in here: https://www.smartertools.com/account/#/support

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