webmail and outlook stuck
Problem reported by Mahesh Chavan - 7/29/2019 at 4:40 AM
We are using smartermail 15.7 with more than 600 users. Most of the time our two users are facing the following issue.

The users are using "Microsoft Outlook for Mac" the outlook stop sync sometimes and webmail also stuck on the loading screen after clicking on inbox. Both users current usage is almost 33 GB.

other users are not facing any problems like above.

8 Replies

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Jade D Replied
This typically occurs when there is a sharing violation and files are locked either by smartermail or iis.

Review the mail clients settings to see if its possible to change the frequency in which the mail client communicates with the mail server, be it sending, checking mail etc.
Jade https://absolutehosting.co.za
Linda Pagillo Replied
You may want to also re-index their account. I have seen this happen before and a re-index sometimes solves it.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
Mahesh Chavan Replied
I have tested changing the frequency in an outlook client and also I have re-index the user but no success.

I don't know how to check "sharing violation and files are locked either by smartermail or iis."

but if I stop smartermail service and web server then restart again the client start receive email on their outlook and webmail but after some time it gets stuck again.
Linda Pagillo Replied
Mahesh, since SM 15x is no longer supported, have you thought about upgrading to SM 17x? If you do that and it does not resolve the issue, SmarterTools can help you to figure out what is going on since 17x is fully supported.
Linda Pagillo Mail's Best Friend Email: linda.pagillo@mailsbestfriend.com Web: www.mailsbestfriend.com Authorized SmarterTools Reseller Authorized Message Sniffer Reseller
Pedro Javier Replied
Hi Mahesh,

This link might be useful to you:

If the usage is an issue, when you are clicking on Inbox folder, have you checked the performance by logging to your server? It might possible that when you are opening your Mailbox, it connects to server and getting stuck due to CPU/RAM.
Pratik Jajal Younited Host - The best Web Hosting Provider Email: pedro@younitedhost.com
Mahesh Chavan Replied
HI Pedro,

Thanks for the reply.

I already confirmed [UIDVALIDITY 1] UIDs valid. 

The server currently using 4% Of CPU for a few seconds it goes to max 12%
Server Ram Current Usage 2.6 GB and normally it max 4 GB
HDD Usage 10 MB/Sec DIsk I/O

server config as follow

4 Core
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1231 v3 @ 3.40GHz
2 TB HDD 90% Full (100 GB Free Only)

I found today when the client closes his outlook the webmail works fine. also, I found the smartermail delivery log it says 

Add a message to mailbox call failed.  Reason:
Delivery attempt to user@domain.com to folder 'Inbox' failed.  Mailbox is locked.

"Mailbox is locked." by smartermail article this issue caused by "mailbox that is currently being accessed via POP" or in this case "IMAP"

also, the client is using Microsoft office outlook 2011 on Mac. 

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Mahesh, to check for sharing violations you'll want to use a program like Process Monitor from Microsoft/Sysinternals. This program can be configured to monitor the users' directories on the server hard drive for any access outside of MailService.exe. If you see other applications accessing the files/folders inside of the SmarterMail domain directories; this is indicative of a sharing violation.

The most likely culprit in those cases is a third party antivirus system, backup system, etc. Any access to the SmarterMail domain files outside of our process can cause issues loading/accessing mail content for end users. 
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mahesh Chavan Replied
Marked As Resolution
I found the solution. I think this is an outlook issue. outlook 2011 can handle only 70,000 files in the inbox. My Client deleted 5000 emails and the outlook starts working fine after sync.

Thanks for Help for all the above members.

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