Add the ability to add custom, pre-populated links to the Insert Link dialog in the text editor
Idea shared by Speednet - 7/8/2019 at 5:17 AM
Under Consideration
I cannot locate any information about how to add more links to the "Insert Link" dialog in the text editor in SmarterTrack.  (The links available via the "magnifying glass" icon in the upper-left of the Insert Link feature.)

Right now the editor just shows three preset links for Froala, Google, and Facebook.  I would like to replace those with our own links that our agents need to use.

I can see that the links are hard-coded in the text editor JavaScript file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterTrack\MRS\Common\Controls\froala\js\plugins\link.min.js"

There does not appear to be anything in the Management interface that can change the preset list of 3 links.  The only thing I can think of is to manually change the JavaScript file, but then our changes will get deleted every thing we upgrade the software.

So I'm not sure if this is a request to find the place where I can change the link list, or a request for a new feature to be added that will allow such changes.  Help is appreciated.

2 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Speednet. This is more of a feature request, so I moved the thread and modified your title, slightly, to reflect it as such. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
OK, thank you!

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