bug in web interface?
Problem reported by Randy Armbrecht - 6/22/2019 at 6:43 PM
Not A Problem
tonight I was deleting a customer who transferred email to another service.  Customer had multiple domains with a common core name in each domain.  So I did a search on the core string and clicked on the SELECT ALL button at top of list (to select all of the domains returned in the search)  and hit DELETE.  I was expecting the delete to take a few minutes, afterall customer had about 10GB of messages spread between the domains.  After several additional minutes of server still churning away, I started to get worried.  So on another PC logged in to webmail admin interface and find that the SELECT ALL literally means ALL domains.  Almost all of my "A" domains were deleted.  I immediately killed the SMAIL service on the server to stop the process.  Now in middle of recreating and restoring a number of domains from last night's mailbox backup.

IMO, the SELECT ALL button should just select the visible domains on list, not all of the domains not returned in search.  This is going to be a 5 hour fix on my end for this apparent bug

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Randy, I tested this under our latest release but was not able to reproduce this in our test environments over the last few minor updates. As such, I recommend getting upgraded to our latest release if at all possible to help avoid issues like this in the future. With that being said, it does appear to have been addressed already so thats great news!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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