SMTP Copies to Sent Items
Idea shared by Jeff Knapp - 5/11/2019 at 12:04 PM
One of my favorite features of Gmail is its copying of mail items sent via SMTP into the sent tolder.  We use Quickbooks to send out invoices, and have resorted to using my GMail account to send them as opposed to my SM-hosted account because looking up the invoice is dead simple using Gmail.

I suspect it would be simple on SM too, but we don't have that option; and BCCing to myself is not preferable because I don't want these in my inbox, but in my sent items.    

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Jeff, 

Using Plus Addressing you would be able to BCC your self. Here is how you can do it.  First make sure that Plus Addressing has been enabled for the user. 

Once this is enable you can add the new address to the outgoing SMTP emails. 
  • {user}+{folder_name}@domain.tld
  • admin+Sent_SMTP@domain.tld
This will copy the message to Users admin and put it into the Sent_SMTP folder. This will not work with the 'Sent Items' folder because of the space. IF the folder does not exist it will create the folder ( as long as that is not disabled ) 



Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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