Outgoing SMTP broken since last update 15.7.6970
Problem reported by dean williams - 4/29/2019 at 12:33 AM
Updated to latest SmarterMail Enterprise Edition Version 15.7.6970. Since then all outgoing SMTP is failing for clients (mainly using Outlook) all except for Thunderbird. Activesync is working fine. Webmail is also sending no problem.

Outlook error is:
Error Message: 0x800CCC80 - None of the authentication methods supported by this client are supported by your server.

I cannot see any error messages in SMTP logs. Any ideas on what this could be?

No settings have been changed on clients or server: same ports etc.

2 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Do you have Disable AUTH LOGIN enabled on your server under Settings>Protocol Settings>SMTP?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Dean, here's a forum post with a long discussion of the 15.7 update that broke Outlook:

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