Import/Export Spam Settings
Question asked by Ryan Wittenauer - 4/3/2019 at 7:28 AM
We have two smartermail gateways and a main server they point to.
Over time, with updates and various changes, our Anti-Spam settings change and no longer match up.

Anyone have any good ways of taking the settings from one server and pulling it to another?

2 Replies

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Scarab Replied
We have pretty much the same setup and every single day I wish that there was a Export/Import function for Anti-Spam settings and Security settings (keeping Blacklist/Whitelist/SMTP Blocks synchronized is painful when done manually).

Currently we do the following:

  1. Copy the section we need from the \SmarterMail\Service\Settings\settings.json (that is for v17...for older versions of SM this would be the \SmarterMail\Service\mailConfig.xml)
  2. Stop the SmarterMail Service on the server we want to add this to.
  3. Replace the appropriate section with the copy. (WinMerge or Diff could work too.)
  4. Restart the SmarterMail Service.
If I had the time and inclination I'd script it out, setup a Scheduled Task, and forget it.
Ryan Wittenauer Replied
Marked As Answer

Sorry, I opened a ticket and forgot to update this thread. Here Was Rod's response:

"If the gateways are on the same version, then you can go to Settings >> Antispam. Click the Actions (...) button, and select Export Spam Settings. Then you could import those same settings to the other gateway. However, these settings files aren't compatible between versions as SmarterMail 16 uses XML files where our latest SmarterMail uses jSON fies."

It just downloads that settings.json file to your browser and allows for an import as well.
We haven't tried it yet, but were curious, let me know if you have any success!

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