Reset Spam - Resets Domains?
Problem reported by John Marx - 3/7/2019 at 9:45 AM
Not A Problem
When doing the reset spam settings why is it that the spam settings for the domains are overridden and set to not being customized?

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi John, 

When you reset the antispam settings, the setting on the Filtering card for "Domains card override filter actions" is defaulted back to disabled. This would cause the Domain Settings > Spam Filtering options to use the system spam filtering policy instead. You can give them back their customization by simply re-enabling that setting. 

John Marx Replied
We have Domains can override... selected but they cannot change the weights. A domain should be able to (at a minimum):

  • Override the weights
  • Choose where they go (this is all they currently can do)
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi John, 

Thanks for the clarification. This functionality was changed in Build 6985 (Feb 15, 2019):
Removed: In domain Spam Filtering, domain admins can see the system-level weights for Low, Medium and High Probability and can adjust the actions but can no longer adjust the filter weights. If a domain admin has previously overridden the filter weights, note that these weights will not be reverted to the system-level configuration after upgrading. To force a domain's spam filtering weights to reflect the system-level config, toggle the Domain Settings > Spam Filtering > 'Override' setting off and on.

Please feel free to review our accompanying blog post, Understanding Spam Filtering in SmarterMail, which was posted shortly after this release. 
John Marx Replied
Can we add a feature request for this to come back? If not, why?

We might like 10 as our weight but a client may want 9 or 11 as theirs. Each domain should have control over this weighting. I am not asking for filters, etc. as I can understand those should stay at the server level. The weight should be domain controllable.

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