1-Click button for MOVING messages identified as Spam or Phishing to a review mailbox
Idea shared by Mahesh Bisesar - 2/13/2019 at 10:24 AM
We've been looking at a free solution called "Cofense PhishMe Free".  It's a plugin for Outlook.  It allows end-users to select a message and click an icon which reports the message as phishing.  The "reported" message is simply removed from the end-users mailbox and moved in to an administrative email account where a tech can review it.

This allows the tech to review the actual message in it's entirety - allowing them to determine if it's actually phishing or spam or a newsletter that can be unscribed from.  This solution allows the tech to save time, compared to searching the server logs for the sending mail server, since it's already in the mail headers of the message.

We're suggesting a similar solution to be added to the SM webmail interface.  The end user determines its spam or phishing and it's moved to a "review" mailbox.  The admin can periodically log in to the "review" email account and address (block the mail server) for each message and delete them from the "review" account.

If this sounds like a feature you would like to see, please vote on it.

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