trying to migrate some of our mailboxes..cannot connect to IMAP Server
Problem reported by Mark Wilson - 2/8/2019 at 2:05 PM
I am trying to migrate some of our mailboxes to Office 365 and the migration utility authenticates using my email and password on port 993 but on individual mailboxes, including mine, it says cannot connect to IMAP server and the migration fails.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sébastien Riccio Replied
I had the same problem with SM 16, trying to import mailboxes from external mail servers. I first tried to use IMAP on port 143 but SM ignores STARTTLS command on port 143 (we opened a ticket about it).
So we tried with port 993 and IMAP + SSL and it worked.

The remote IMAP server was a dovecot. But I don't know about office 365 IMAP server. I think you should look at the Mailbox migration log file, maybe there is something there. On our side we check it and it was empty even we enabled Detailed logging for it...

Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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