Serious Change In Settings
Idea shared by John Marx - 1/22/2019 at 6:46 PM
Okay, the title was to get your attention but more importantly to get something started by the SmarterTools team. In reading this article: https://portal.smartertools.com/community/a91581/smv17-100-indexing-question-issue.aspx. SmarterTools states that settings will be changing for new settings. I have seen this in other threads.

I have also talked with Steve Norton and others on the best way we can cover things. With 17 I see great promise and changes. The problem is for all of us upgrading from a previous version we do not get these new and exciting settings that answer many of our problems. I think we need to add to the KB articles:

  • SmarterTools fill in before after settings, possibly a whole new section for SmarterMail Upgrades that is constantly updated.
This would allow SmarterTools to maintain control but us users to add additional comments to keep things fresh and relevant in the appropriate categories.

5 Replies

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We do need something, the release notes are not enough for existing customers to get the benefit of some fixes.
Yes!  Agree!

I'm in the beginning stages of planning 15.x to 17/100 upgrades and want to take advantage of new/enhanced features.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for your suggestion, Mark! We'll discuss this more and let you know any updates. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi everyone,

Based on your suggestions here, we've created a KB article titled "Changes to the Default SmarterMail Configuration". The changes that have been made to the default configuration of new installations are listed in this KB. We started with our release of Build 6985 (Feb 15, 2019), but I believe there are plans to update it for previous Current Build versions as well. 

Going forward, please feel free to refer to this article for changes you can make to your upgraded installation. 
Thank you for putting together the KB article however I don't see indexing settings listed. I have been having indexing issues since upgrading to v17 and have discovered that the default settings for v15 and older are no longer optimal. Could you please add the v17 default indexing settings to the KB?

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