Can I link an EXISTING account to LDAP?
Question asked by Joe Dellaragione - 1/8/2019 at 10:46 AM
I see how I can import users via LDAP (Active Directory). But can I take an existing user and link it to an LDAP account for single sign on? 

2 Replies

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Joe Dellaragione Replied
Actually it looks like it's as easy as going into the user and changing the authentication from Smartermail to AD and putting in the username/password. Is that all it takes? There is no LDAP connection behind the scenes? As long as the SM server is on the domain it will authenticate right to the server? 
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Joe, you are correct about changing a user to use Active Directory authentication.  Change the Authentication Mode to Active Directory.  Set the Active Directory username and the Active Directory domain.  SmarterMail will make a backend call to the Active Directory server and utilize the user's Active Directory password thenceforth.

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