SORBS RBL configuration issue
Problem reported by Steve_N - 12/31/2018 at 8:02 AM
I've done fresh installs of the latest version 16(6915) and 17(6928) of SmarterMail and examined the RBL configuration for 'SORBS - Recent' and 'SORBS - No Server'.
http://www.sorbs.net/general/using.shtml states that successful entries will return the following;
smtp.dnsbl.sorbs.net                returns
recent.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net    returns
noserver.dnsbl.sorbs.net          returns

Whereas the SmarterMail configuration is as follows;
SORBS - Recent
Is looking for
SORBS - No Server
Is looking for


9 Replies

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Steve_N Replied
And it appears Surriel should be psbl.surriel.com and not psbl.surriel.org.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Steve, thank you for reporting these corrections to the SORBS and PSBL RBLs.  I have corrected these in SM16 and the latest version of SmarterMail defaults.  The fixes to the defaults will be included in the next release of both versions.
Steve_N Replied
I've been looking at the defaults for URIBLs in 16 and 17 and they're both enabled for inbound SMTP blocking but it appears that they should actually be enabled for Spool Filtering instead. If the data is not received at the time the inbound SMTP checks are performed the URIs cannot be checked, they only exist at the spool check stage.
I've looked through the SMTP logs and the URI check is never listed in the 'Spam Blocking' mail rejection message.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Steve, the SORBS and Surriel RBLs have been updated for new installs or when resetting the anti-spam settings. This is in last night's release.
John Marx Replied
Being I upgrade from 16 I want to check my settings to know if they are where they need to be. I don't want to build a server and do a clean install. Where can we find the current recommended Spam Checks, RBLs, and URIBLs as it seems since 17 has come out they have changed?

I know from what is listed above I have NONE of the above so I know there needs to be an answer for this.
David Jamell Replied
IMHO there should be a continuously updated Knowledge Base Article listing each check and the settings.
Steve_N Replied
"To reset SmarterMail's antispam settings back to the default configuration, click on the Actions (...) button. Then click on Reset Antispam Settings. Confirm that you would like to erase any customized antispam options by clicking Reset."
But I've just upgraded to the latest build 6948 and reset the settings and not only have the changes above not taken but what's displayed on screen and what you see when you edit an item is often different.
Hi Robert, None of the settings have changed in 6948 and what's displayed on screen and what you see when you edit an item is often different.
John Marx Replied
I just went from 11 Spam Checks, 16 RBLs, and 2 URIBLs to 11 Spam Checks, 22 RBLs, and 2 URIBLs. Thanks for the info as one never knows if those 6 will help or not but not having them definitely wouldn't help.
Steve_N Replied
I've looked again today and they are now correct and the mismatch between the screen and the settings in edit has cleared up.

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