It's possible to integrate registers from another database with smartertrack?
Question asked by Rodrigo Fernando Braga - 12/11/2018 at 3:27 PM
Hi, good afternoon.

We are thinking about implement the smartertrack as our support system.

We have a job portal with almost 2 million users, and we'd like that they can use the support system without be necessary make a new register. In resume, if an user get authenticate in our portal, this user will be automatically will be authenticate in smartertrack. 

It's possible?

Thank you.

Rodrigo Braga

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
This can be implemented in SmarterTrack. To allow the users to be logged into SmarterTrack using their accounts from your jobs portal, you will need to create and enable an External Login Provider. You can find more information on External Providers in this help section and the Configure External Providers KB article. 

To enable single sign-on between your job portal and SmarterTrack, please review the KB article Configure Single Sign-on Between SmarterTrack and Another Site. Keep in mind that your job portal must be an ASP.NET web application.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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