file upload will exceed max mailbox space
Problem reported by Joe Dellaragione - 12/6/2018 at 2:02 PM
I have to send a 15GB .PST to an attorney's office and I want to use the file storage feature. I am the smarter mail admin - my user account is set to Mailbox Size Limit = 0 for unlimited. Logging in as admin and going to general I have File storage enabled and set to 9999999 KB. The server has terabytes of storage avaiilable. 

When I log in and attempt to upload this file I get "file upload will exceed max mailbox space". However mailbox space should be unlimited ... Smaller uploads do indeed work. 

SmarterMail Enterprise Version - 16.3.6870

14 Replies

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Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hello Joe, what's your "Max File Size" value set to in General -> File Storage?  It's a setting for system admins that may also be blocking the upload.

Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Dellaragione Replied
9999999 KB
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
And what's the value of your "Mailbox Size Limit" for your user set to in Accounts -> Account?  This value will be under the domain admin page.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Oh sorry just saw that you have set to unlimited.  What about the domain's "Disk Space", what's that set to?
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hey Joe, I went ahead and tested this against our server and there was an issue on our upload code that needed to be fixed.  We'll get this fix put in and we'll have it part of our next release (should be tomorrow).  Also I tried you File Storage Limit setting and I think it will need one more nine for the size to be correct (so change it to 99999999).
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Dellaragione Replied
Did this hit the December 7th release? I just upgraded and I am still getting the same message .... 
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Yes it did.  I was able to upload a 10Gb file.  Did you also update your File Storage Limit?  I mentioned in my previous post that it was missing another 9 for it to have the correct size limit set (so you need to change it to the following;  99999999).
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Dellaragione Replied
Yes, I did make that change. 

As a test I went in and changed it to "999". When I try to upload the file after that change, the error message is different. It is "File too large". Then I changed it back to "99999999" and the error message changes to "file upload will exceed max mailbox space". However the user I am logged in as has "0" for unlimited set as max mailbox size. 

I then went into that user's account and changed the "0" to "99999999" and it now lets me do the upload. So there appears to still be a bug when "0" for unlimited is set as the max mailbox size, however for now I was able to get around it and the upload is taking place ... 
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Ok Joe thanks for the response.  I believe the user I tested with had "99999999" set as their mailbox size as well.  I'll make sure we get a bug report in for the unlimited mailbox size so we can get that fixed as well.  Thanks.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hello Joe, I just tried this and I'm not seeing the same issue that you are.  My domain has "Disk Space" set to 0, my file storage "Max File Size" is set to 99999999, and my user's "Mailbox Size Limit" is set to 0 and I'm able to upload a 15Gb file.

I'll create a support ticket from this thread and I'll have you send me some of your config files so we can try to replicate it locally.  Thanks.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Dellaragione Replied
Thanks, now I have another issue. 

The file finally uploaded but when I go to use the public link I get: HTTP 400 Bad Request 

This error (HTTP 400 Bad Request) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the web server, but the webpage could not be found because of a problem with the address.

Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Thanks Joe, I added that information to the ticket so we'll get them both resolved together.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Breeze Alade Replied
I am still experiencing the same error when I try to upload a file to team workspaces: "file upload will exceed max mailbox space". And I just downloaded the software less than a week ago.

Domain size limit is set to Unlimited. Mailbox limit for all three members of the workspace was the default "-9.5367431640625e-7". The issue was resolved when I changed the mailbox size limit for all three participants to a positive integer.

Fadi Hussein Replied
Is this issue fixed in smartermail Version: 16.3.6989 because im having the same issue.

i have to adjust the mailbox size to 9999999 to allow user upload file which is 4GB.

I'm running the latest version of 16 which is 16.3.6989


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