Email Reports not going out even when SMTP Test shows success
Problem reported by Shivam Parikh - 12/5/2018 at 7:00 AM
Email Reports not going out even when SMTP Test shows success
Tried using SmarterMail SMTP server and then later Gmail Server. Both showed SMPT sucesss and they allow me to supposedly send out the reports / email but nothing goes out or in.

6 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
HI Shivam

Are these manually sending a report or when scheduling reports? 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shivam Parikh Replied
Both times
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post

I was able to manually send a standard report as well as a custom report with just the SMTP account set up on the MRS. I'm going to run another test tonight with MRS set up as well as SMTP set up on for the site itself. Will let you know what I find. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shivam Parikh Replied
Since I have a free version I can't open a ticket for this else I would have so someone could troubleshoot for me but emails just dont go out in my installation. Its hosted by me on the same server that also hosts Track and SmarterMail. If there is any way for me to get someone to check it out on my server would be appreciated.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post

I tested this a couple of ways: having SMTP set up JUST at the system side, and then having a site-specific SMTP setting. In both cases, I received both a manual report as well as a daily automated report sent. So SMTP in the latest SmarterStats release does work. 

Have you checked the delivery logs on the SmarterMail server to see if there was any attempt to send the message? Are you using standard SMTP over port 25 or SSL over 587? Maybe try one or the other? Are you using SMTP Authentication? 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shivam Parikh Replied
I used SMTP authentication in both cases. SMTP 25 when connecting to SmarterMail and 465 SSL when trying to connect via Google Gsuite. Any way you could do me a one time favor and allow a one time complimentary ticket to have someone physically check for me ?

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