Bandwidth and/or Referral Information Not Showing Up

The default settings in IIS do not record bandwidth or referral information in the logs. If they are not recorded, SmarterStats cannot include bandwidth or referral information in the reports.

IIS 6.0
Follow these steps to enable recording of bandwidth and referral information in IIS 6.0:

  1. Log in to the SmarterStats Server
  2. Go to Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools.
  3. Run Internet Information Service (IIS).
  4. Expand the Web Sites folder in IIS and find the site that is not reporting.
  5. Go to the properties of the site.
  6. Under the Web Site tab, click the Properties button.
  7. Click the Advanced tab and check sc-bytes, cs-bytes, and cs(Referrer).
  8. Click OK until you are back to IIS.
  9. Close IIS.

IIS 7.0
Follow these steps to enable recording of bandwidth and referral information in IIS 7.0: 

  1. Log in to the SmarterStats Server
  2. Go to Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools.
  3. Run Internet Information Service (IIS).
  4. Expand the Web Sites folder in IIS and find the site that is not reporting.
  5. Select the site and open up Logging.
  6. Click the Select Fields button and check sc-bytes, cs-bytes, and cs(Referrer).
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Close IIS.
IIS 8.0
Follow these steps to enable recording of bandwidth and referral information in IIS 8.0: 
  1. Log in to the SmarterStats Server
  2. Go to Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools.
  3. Run Internet Information Service (IIS).
  4. Expand the Web Sites folder in IIS and find the site that is not reporting.
  5. Select the site and in the Features View, open up Logging.
  6. In the Log File area, click the Select Fields button next to the log format selector.
  7. Check sc-bytes, cs-bytes, and cs(Referrer).
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Apply from the Actions area to the right.
  10. Close IIS.

Once this change has been made SmarterStats will now show the data. For information on which files need to be checked, refer to the KB article: Determine Which Log Files are Necessary to Check in IIS.


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