New smartertools websites
Problem reported by Nicolas Fertig - 12/2/2018 at 11:01 PM
Hello SmarterTools team,

Congratulations for the new company website and best wishes for this 3rd december "switch".

ps: You might want to remove baysian filtering from SmarterMail AntiSpam features advertising as, IIRC, they have been removed ? (or are they back in SM17(100)?)

5 Replies

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Nicolas Fertig Replied

While browsing the new site I came across two questions/observations:

Apparently we can't join files to support tickets anymore, isn't this a problem when you want to join logs or screenshots to a ticket?

What is the difference between a ticket and an emergency ticket (that must be bought). What are the average response time of "normal" tickets and emergency tickets.

If the emergency is due to a (new) breaking bug after update will they be refund ?

Thanks a lot in advance for the clarifications.

Shivam Parikh Replied
The new ticket system sounds like "cPanel" offering for support.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Nicolas -- thanks for that antispam issue. You have no idea how often that text was read...and it still got missed. I've removed Bayesian and it will be in the next publish.

Regarding attachments for tickets submitted through the website, that's coming. You can always attach files to your replies when using an email client for the time being. 

As for differences between standard tickets and emergency tickets: emergency tickets are for when systems are hard-down, particularly after hours, on weekends, on holidays, etc. when we're not in the office. So that hasn't changed. 

Shivam, I'm not sure what you mean by "cPanel" offering for support, but we're still using SmarterTrack for our issue tracking, we've just integrated it into the customer account area. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Shivam Parikh Replied
cPanel offers a free unlimited level of support. Premium or paid at say $25.00 (last time I checked) for jumping the queue. I just meant to say you guys have a similar pricing model on support it seems (which is not bad).
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Ah, I understand Shivam. Thanks for clarifying. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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