Sending via Thunderbird warns that it can not save in Sent items
Problem reported by webbhotell sweden - 11/20/2018 at 3:42 AM
Sending via Thunderbird warns that it can not save in Sent items. It still saves but popup warning due to "Network or file errors."
This problem was reported by custumer with many Thunderbird users, not Outlook, efter upgrade from 

Version 15.7.6821 to Version 15.7.6885

I can confirm the error by adding new account in my own Thunderbird 60.3.
Custumer also show error for: "Append invalid arguments".

36 Replies

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Paul Blank Replied
Did I just dodge a bullet? Or is this a local issue with one installation? We have many users on Thunderbird and was about to move from 15.7.6821 to 6885. 

kevind Replied
I received this "invalid arguments" error with Thunderbird yesterday also. Might be a fluke as it seems to be working fine today.
Paul Blank Replied
I'll keep an eye on this thread for a few days here.
webbhotell sweden Replied
Kevind, do you run 15.7.6885 also ? or other version.
Im waiting for respons from SmarterTools before i downgrade, if that is possible.
Rene Eisenmann Replied
Same problems here, since running version 15.7.6885
Paul Blank Replied
We are weary, wary, and worry that SM fixes will break something that wasn't broken before. Unfortunately this is a pattern that has been going on for some time.  

It would be nice to get some relief from this cycle.
kevind Replied

Running Version 15.7.6885. Tested it just now and got the following:

Changed to a mailbox running on Version 15.7.6855 and worked fine. Not sure if there have been any recent Thunderbird updates that would have caused this.


webbhotell sweden Replied
So im not alone, probably all is affected, but Smartertools didnt try Thunderbird for this upgrade.
Still waiting for SmarterTools to respond. 3 days now.
Where can we find an older version and downgrade until SmarterTools fixes their bug ?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Webbhotell,
I have opened a ticket with you in order to resolve this issue.
David Fisher Replied

  I am seeing the same thing in Outlook Express on Windows XP.  I thought it was something I did with TLS/SSL that is causing it.  I cannot even copy between two IMAP accounts anymore without an error, it seems to copy fine to sent items and other imap accounts, but it gives that error.

Paul Blank Replied
Thanks to all who've reported on this. Will wait for the dust to settle before updating my SM v15. 
Ale Replied
Same here (SM 16.3.6897).
Since this issue is affecting several users isn't appropriate to share the possible solution rather than opening individual tickets?
webbhotell sweden Replied
I have tried a new build now and didnt see this error, so i think SmarterTools will fix this issue really soon.
Ale Replied
Thanks webbhotell sweden,
really hope so.
Ale Replied
The same is happening to me also just browsing "sent items" folder trough IMAP in Thunderbird. The folder is not updated and I get the timeout error.

This is what is logged in SM:

[2018.11.28] 13:13:55 [x.x.x.x][18169847] Exception: (PooledTcpItem.cs) Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[2018.11.28] 13:13:55 [x.x.x.x][18169847] StackTrace:    at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.BeginRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
[2018.11.28]    at System.Net.FixedSizeReader.StartReading()   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartFrameHeader(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartReading(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.BeginRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object asyncState)   at MailService.TcpServerLib.Common.PooledTcpItem.BeginReceive()

Paul Blank Replied
ST, is there a timetable for the fix? 
David Fisher Replied

  I would think a minor release of v15 + v16 would be coming out this week, as on Monday both products reach EOL, and no more patches!

Paul Blank Replied
@David: I cannot tell you how un-thrilled I am to be reminded of that.

So the (burning) question is: will this particular issue be fixed or will it not?
David Fisher Replied
Hi Paul,

  Sorry to remind you of that.. I was reminded in one of my tickets I opened.. I also am running a CustomBuild and the IMAP issue seems to be solved in that, the CustomBuild was only suppose to add better logging, but it seemed to have fixed my issue too..

   I am waiting for support to get back to me to tell me what is changed in that CustomBuild that could of fixed the issue.

Paul Blank Replied
Good to hear. Long live v15. *sigh*
kevind Replied
As we close out the month, just checking on the status of this. I was hoping there might be a patch this week.

The strange thing is, nothing in the 15.7.6885 release notes regarding IMAP updates, so wonder what changed...
webbhotell sweden Replied
Marked As Resolution
Solved: This issue will also be fixed in the next public release of SmarterMail 15. Thank you for your assistance in debugging this issue!
ScottF Replied
We have several customers impacted by this problem. Any ETA on the next public release of SM 15?
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hey Scott, do you know what version of Thunderbird these user's are on?  I updated to Thunderbird's latest release 60.3.2 and I'm able to send emails against SmarterMail15 without seeing that error.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ScottF Replied
Hi Larry, Thanks for checking this out. I was able to reproduce withe TB 60.3.2 and SM 15.7.6885.

I sent several messages and some messages were sent with no errors. When there is a problem a dialog box is displayed with the following message:

"Your message was sent but a copy was not placed in your sent folder (Sent) due to network or file access errors.
You can retry or save the message locally to Local Folders/Sent-test@mydomain.com."

Paul Blank Replied
Apparently this issue can be sporadic. Some folks on here seem to have gotten a custom build that fixes the problem. So AFAIK we are still waiting for the next minor update to v15. I am still on 15.7.6821 here.

Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Hey Scott, thanks for extra info.  I'll try it again with sending multiple emails and see if I can reproduce it.  Thanks.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Ok all I checked in with the developers who work in this area and there is a fix, however, it's not yet in the latest release.  I know there are about 3 people who do have a customer build and they each confirmed that it was resolved in their environments.  Paul had already stated this previously and I didn't catch that...so sorry for any confusion.

We will complete a SmarterMail15 release tomorrow to get this fix out to the community so keep an eye out for an update.  Thanks!
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ScottF Replied
Great. I'll look for the update.
Paul Blank Replied
Thanks, Larry! 

v15 is still very stable & reliable here. 

webbhotell sweden Replied
We have no plan to upgrade to v16, will run v15 a couple of more years, nothing new to warrant an upgrade.
1. Smartertools should start LTS version so we dont must upgrade.
2. Every domain claiming one account from licencepool is ridiculous. Get rid of that "feature" will make me want to upgrade.
Fred Rose Replied

I'm experiencing this same exact issue.  

Thunderbird version 78.6.0
SmarterMail Build 7642

It happens often, and seems random, as well.  Any suggestions on things to try or check?

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Fred,
Please open a ticket with support and we will get working on getting this fixed as quickly as we can. Likely, after you open the ticket, we will need a log with the error inside of it as well to help us figure out what exactly is returning that error. Thank you in advance. 
Fred Rose Replied

I don't have a license for support and maintenance.  I'm using the Free version of SmarterMail offered through my hosting company.
Fred Rose Replied
Is there a way to pay for a one time support for the Thunderbird issue without purchasing 1-year maintenance and support?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Fred, Thanks for your update. I've sent you a direct message to get some more details from you.

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