How can I tell if Cyren AntoSpam is working as intended?
Question asked by Troy Bryan - 10/22/2018 at 11:03 AM
When I look at SPAM in my inbox and almost all of the SPAM in my junk folder it shows either Commtouch: 4 or Commtouch:0 on the overwhelming vast majority of items. I think the only reason many of these messages is getting flagged as SPAM is the free external SPAM Assasin I am using and not the expensive Commtouch. Some of these are really obvious SPAM getting high scores in Spam Assasin and found in several Black Lists but commtouch says 0.

8 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Troy, 

When you log in as the Administrator, click on the Reports icon. Then select Cyren Premium Antispam from the navigation pane. You can review how many emails Cyren considered Confirmed, Suspected, Bulk and Unknown during the timeframe you specify. 
Troy Bryan Replied
Is this typical?? I mean seriously - It is finding less than 7% of the email it checks as SPAM and yet overall with the External SpamAssasin I installed - about 70% of email is flagged as SPAM. Surely a paid product should perform MUCH better??!!??
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Troy, in the Service folder locate the SubProcessConfig.xml file.  Edit the <Logging> element to True.  This will provide a cyren-{date}.log which can be reviewed to determine what Cyren is doing/not doing.
Montague WebWorks Replied
Sorry, where is the service folder? Is your message, above, still valid, today? I'm looking for the Cyren and Mail Sniffer logs. I've licensed both through the admin interface, but their logs don't show up anywhere.
Mik MullerMontague WebWorks
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mik,

The default location for the Service folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail
David Fisher Replied
Hi Mik,

   I still have a SubProcessConfig.xml file under Service\Settings in the directory Emily pointed out.  Make sure you edit that and turn logging on by changing False to True.

   Then, I am guessing it will log in Service\Settings\Logs folder.  I am only guessing as I don't use this service myself.

Kind Regards,
Montague WebWorks Replied
Found the folder. Thank you. And logging was already turned on.

Would love it if SM would integrate these logs into the main Troubleshooting logs. In fact, instruct all anti-spam, anti-virus, whatever, that is licensed or configured through SM admin interface to all use the same log entry ID numbers for every email that passes through the system, so searches in the admin troubleshooting page can search across *all* logs.

In my mind, I can see doing a regular Delivery search for an email address, then after the results (if there are any) a new option "Search all logs" and you copy and paste the ID number and give a time frame, say, 10:30 - 10:40 for that day. It then pulls in all logs with that ID and sorts them by timestamp so you can see the email's lifetime path through the system.

I'm on my third day trying to figure something out.
Mik MullerMontague WebWorks
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mik, 

Thank you for the suggestion! We'll get this escalated to our product management team and see if there's anything that can be done to improve this area. We appreciate your feedback! 

Happy holidays! 

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