Reminder alerts in drop down instead of new page
Idea shared by Neal Culiner - 10/12/2018 at 2:41 PM
I'm logged in to SM 16.latest web mail. On the top right is a bell with a red indicator. It's reminders for calendar events. I don't want to click it because I know you're going to drive me away from what I'm doing to view the alert(s) and then have to work with a less than desirable UI to dismiss it. Instead, when I click the bell a popup window such as a hint window could open or slide down right there with my alerts to view and manage. 

7 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
The reminders area is more than just calendar events, but I think that's beside the point. However, how does opening the reminders pop out drive you away from what you're doing? It's a separate window and doesn't impact the main SmarterMail client. Each item in the pop out opens its own modal, and you can manage the reminder from that modal, or manage multiple (dismiss, snooze, etc.) from the pop out.

I can see some validity to having the items "slide down" versus opening a new pop out, but isn't that essentially the same thing, just in a different form? 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek, I do understand it may open a new tab but I really just wanted to see what the alerts were vs. going to a new tab/window. I was just surprised it was a full screen type of thing, i.e. separate tab vs. just a modal popup for this type of view.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Are you on mobile? If so, then yes: I believe any pop-out opens in a new tab. On the desktop, the pop-out window is about the same size as other pop-outs in the interface.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
No, Chrome on macOS
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Neal, I think that's a browser setting. I just had another person check in in Chrome on her MacBook Pro and the notifications window is a pop-out: it doesn't open in new tab. That's the default behavior, except on mobile (due to the smaller screen size). 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Neal, 

I have forwarded this request to the development team for their review. For the Notifications icon, I don't think I'd mind a dropdown menu instead - as long as I had an option to pop out a window to view all. I've seen other sites behave similarly. That said, I would like to determine why your icons are opening in new tabs rather than their expected pop out windows.

Do you have a mouse with a middle wheel click? If you click on links with that middle wheel click, or hold down the Command key while clicking the Notifications and Chat icons, a new tab will be opened rather than a new window. Do you perhaps have a browser extension that modifies the tab vs window behavior?

I'm using an Apple Magic Mouse, no wheel button....

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