Cannot use EWS from Aqua Mail app on Android
Problem reported by Nicolas Fertig - 9/10/2018 at 6:22 AM
One of our customers would like to use Aqua Mail (which supports EWS) to access his account on our SmarterMail powered mail infrastructure.
At the time of configuring the account on Aqua Mail, an error "ErrorFolderNotFound" is reported.
Aqua Mail developpement team suggested me to enable full debug of their app to find out where is the issue.
It looks like Aqua Mail tries to map special folders by requesting them using DistinguishedFolderIds:
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="inbox" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="junkemail" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="drafts" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="sentitems" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="deleteditems" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="outbox" />"
SmarterMail only returns positive answers for: inbox, drafts, sentitems.
junkemail, deleteditems, and outbox are all reported as:
[2018.09.10]           <m:MessageText>The specified object was not found in the store.</m:MessageText>
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>ErrorFolderNotFound</m:ResponseCode>
So the mail client doesn't know how to map them.
Aqua Mail claims to respect the Standard Microsoft specifications for EWS and says that there are some mail servers which support EWS that aren't completly compliant with the MS specs and that it looks like SmarterMail is one of them.
Is there any way to fix this ? Can we assign folders as junkemail, deleteditems, and outbox DistinguishedFolderId ?
Here are the full request debug from Aqua Mail:
2018.09.10 14:55:32.990 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx HTTP/1.1"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.990 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "Content-Length: 907"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.990 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "Host: mail.somesmartermail.ch"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "Connection: Keep-Alive"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "Authorization: *** suppressed ***
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> ""
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"";
2018.09.10 14:55:32.991 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"";
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"";
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "xmlns:t="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types">";
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<soap:Header>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2007_SP1" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "</soap:Header>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.992 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<soap:Body>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.993 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<GetFolder xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages">";
2018.09.10 14:55:32.993 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <FolderShape>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.993 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <t:BaseShape>IdOnly</t:BaseShape>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.993 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <t:AdditionalProperties>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.993 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <t:FieldURI FieldURI="folder:DisplayName" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " </t:AdditionalProperties>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " </FolderShape>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <FolderIds>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " <t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="inbox" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="junkemail" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.994 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="drafts" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="sentitems" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="deleteditems" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="outbox" />"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> " </FolderIds>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.995 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "</GetFolder>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.996 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "</soap:Body>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.996 +0200 [EWS_RAW.18732] >> "</soap:Envelope>"
2018.09.10 14:55:32.996 +0200 [EWS.18732] HttpContext setAttribute(http.request_sent) = true
and the answer from SmarterMail
[2018.09.10] OUT >> (xml) user@somesmartermail.ch
[2018.09.10] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[2018.09.10] <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; xmlns:t="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types"; xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">;
[2018.09.10]   <soap:Header>
[2018.09.10]     <t:ServerVersionInfo MajorVersion="14" MinorVersion="2" MajorBuildNumber="390" MinorBuildNumber="3" Version="Exchange2010_SP2" />
[2018.09.10]   </soap:Header>
[2018.09.10]   <soap:Body>
[2018.09.10]     <m:GetFolderResponse>
[2018.09.10]       <m:ResponseMessages>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]             <t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]               <t:FolderId Id="MjNlZmM1ZDItZDZlMC00ZmNlLTg5ZmMtNDJiYTMxNzc3ODJi" ChangeKey="MTAuMDkuMjAxOCAxMjo0NDozMw==" />
[2018.09.10]               <t:DisplayName>Inbox</t:DisplayName>
[2018.09.10]             </t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]           </m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Error">
[2018.09.10]           <m:MessageText>The specified object was not found in the store.</m:MessageText>
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>ErrorFolderNotFound</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:DescriptiveLinkKey>0</m:DescriptiveLinkKey>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders />
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]             <t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]               <t:FolderId Id="NmQzNTg4Y2ItMmNjYy00OTY3LWJmYzctYjRhY2ZiN2MyNDE2" ChangeKey="MTAuMDkuMjAxOCAxMjo0NDozMw==" />
[2018.09.10]               <t:DisplayName>Drafts</t:DisplayName>
[2018.09.10]             </t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]           </m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]             <t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]               <t:FolderId Id="ODU5ZDM2ZmQtMDJiMi00NmQ4LWE5MTAtYzVkNGY4NWUzZDll" ChangeKey="MTAuMDkuMjAxOCAxMjo0NDozMw==" />
[2018.09.10]               <t:DisplayName>Sent Items</t:DisplayName>
[2018.09.10]             </t:Folder>
[2018.09.10]           </m:Folders>
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Error">
[2018.09.10]           <m:MessageText>The specified object was not found in the store.</m:MessageText>
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>ErrorFolderNotFound</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:DescriptiveLinkKey>0</m:DescriptiveLinkKey>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders />
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Error">
[2018.09.10]           <m:MessageText>The specified object was not found in the store.</m:MessageText>
[2018.09.10]           <m:ResponseCode>ErrorFolderNotFound</m:ResponseCode>
[2018.09.10]           <m:DescriptiveLinkKey>0</m:DescriptiveLinkKey>
[2018.09.10]           <m:Folders />
[2018.09.10]         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
[2018.09.10]       </m:ResponseMessages>
[2018.09.10]     </m:GetFolderResponse>
[2018.09.10]   </soap:Body>
[2018.09.10] </soap:Envelope>

4 Replies

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Nicolas Fertig Replied
No love for this question ? We thought about opening a ticket but we already have one open for another bug since a few weeks :/
Nicolas Fertig Replied
We've also asked about it at the app dev forum, here is the answer:

Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post
Hello Nicolas,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've found a similar error while attempting to add a SmarterMail EWS account within Aqua Mail. Our development team will look into this more. 
Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com
Nicolas Fertig Replied
Hi Andrea,

Thank you a lot for looking into this. It would be really great to have SmarterMail be compatible with this Android app which seems to be quite popular.

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