IMAP Signatures
Question asked by Gyver Chang - 9/3/2018 at 4:01 AM
Hi there,
I am currently running a 10 user trial of Smartertools, loving it so far. 
I am particularly in love with the signature enforcement function. However, it seems like the signature will only be enforced when mails are sent from the web client, mails being sent by on IMAP clients like on Android or iPhones does not have the enforced signatures.
Is there a way to force signatures even on IMAP clients? 

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
    I don't believe you can enforce a signature from an IMAP client. You can however establish a footer for your whole system and per domain, using the Footer settings found in the System Admin > General settings> Footer card. You can also find them per domain, if the system checked "Domains can override footer", inside Domain Settings > General > Footer card. This will let you enforce a footer at the bottom of all messages coming out of that domain/system.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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