Clam not Connecting after server migration
Question asked by ActorMike - 8/10/2018 at 6:44 PM
Clam worked on our old server, but when we moved to Windows 2016 and upgraded from 15.x to SmarterMail Professional Version - 16.3.6795 it stopped. is the address port 3310 (open) for Primary DNS
The only clam.log data is from the old server. There is no clam log information on the new server.
Port 3310 is open (rule imported from old server & confirmed)
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 (64-bit)  Installed
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 (32-bit) Installed

2 Replies

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Just curious if you install the "2010" version of the VS C++, if it will start working again for you. However as of ClamAV 0.100.0 (now 0.100.1 in SM) this should no longer be required, only 2015.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
ActorMike Replied
I found the problem! The clamd.conf had the wrong paths for some reason. I manually changed them and everything is working now.
LogFile D:\PROGRA~1\SMARTE~1\SMARTE~2\Service\Clam\log\clamd.log
LogFileMaxSize 1M
LogTime yes
LogFileUnlock yes
TemporaryDirectory D:\PROGRA~1\SMARTE~1\SMARTE~2\Service\Clam\tmp
DatabaseDirectory D:\PROGRA~1\SMARTE~1\SMARTE~2\Service\Clam\share\clamav
FixStaleSocket yes

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