Not getting email notifications from this Community Site
Question asked by Neal Culiner - 7/11/2018 at 6:09 AM
Not sure if some spam check is catching it, I'm not finding the emails, is anyone else NOT getting notifications of replies here? Seems odd that ST creates email software yet has problems with deliverability. I got them in the past, not sure why since moving to SM 16 they stopped and I have even seen the support tickets go to spam in the recent past.

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Neal,
Your account is set to receive summary emails for your subscribed Community posts and emails for the comments on posts you participate in. In the past two weeks, our logs are showing 4 messages sent to you from noreply@smartertools.com. Can you find these 4 messages in your spam folder? 
Neal Culiner Replied
No, and I cleared the junk mail folder last night and did not get your email or another reply on this forum about internal spammer.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Can you find the sessions in your mail server logs?
Tennis Unit Replied

I am having the same issue, joined the community but not any getting any email notifications.can anyone assist to fix email notifications alert?

Tennis Unit
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Tennis Unit,

I see that your account is registered, but you haven't verified your email address. I just resent the verification email. Once you have a verified address you should receive the updates. 

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