How do I fix this error? "error loading the autocomplete list"
Question asked by jktieman - 1/29/2018 at 11:30 AM
This error shows up in the bottom left corner when anyone tries to create a new email message.  I believe I got it fixed by restarting the server, but I'd like to know what it means and the correct way to fix it.

23 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi jktieman,
Would you please try upgrading to the latest version of the software and let me know if this issue persists? You can download 16.3.6600 from our Downloads page and follow our steps for a Minor Upgrade of SmarterMail
Chase Hubbard Replied
I am currently running the latest SM version (16.3.6614) for our server, and have had two clients complain about having this error appear after logging in. Ine of the clients claims it's on both Firefox (latest) and Chrome (latest) for them, however I can't duplicate it on my end at all.
Patrick Fanning Replied
We are still getting this issue with a client, and have always had the latest version of everything.
Has anyone else found the issue.   In the past it has been an Outlook issue, but now we seem to be getting it with the Web interface,   again, only one reporting the issue and we can not duplicate it on any of our machines.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Seeing this issue as well in apple devices. Can't reproduce here, but multiple users reporting the issue. Will check error logs tomorrow and report back.
Anyone seeing any Errors in the logs?
Also, I noticed on my customers environment they have GAL enabled, and used simple CSV import for user creation, so have a lot of users with profile name "N/A", I wonder if the NA breaks SM trying to build the email to field in compose window?
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately, we've been unable to replicate this issue on any previous or current builds. If a user reports this problem, please walk them through the steps of clearing their browser cache. If the error persists, we'll need the Support Department to review the installation so we can determine the cause. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Kyle. I imported a user from a CSV without the Display Name header. With a profile name of "N/A", I didn't encounter the "Error loading the automcomplete list" issue after logging in with that user.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Thanks for checking that out Andrea. Since then we've updated the Display Name field for each user. I've applied latest release of 16 and I have users keeping an eye out for the error. if they run into it again I've been advised to submit a ticket for them. Will collect accounts, logs, etc and provide them as needed. :-) Thanks Andrea!
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Patrick Fanning Replied
Did that, and it is always the same two clients using the web interface, from different computers and networks, has to be something to do with the import from an older version of SM
Giovanni Zomer Replied
we are also getting this problem with the web interface;
it all started when the user logged in with email-1, then logged off, then logged in with email-2, then logged off etc.
at one moment it started giving this error all the time he logs out, with email-1 and with email-2;
there is also a problem during work: he is working with email-2 and there are incoming mails he can see for email-1, although he is not working with email-1;
to bypass this problem he actually has to
- log out
- await the error message
- close the browser
- log in with the other mail-address
Giovanni Zomer Replied
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Giovanni,

It looks like you're on a version a couple months old. Please upgrade your mail server to the latest minor release. If this error persists, I would recommend submitting a ticket with the Support Department for their review. I'm unfortunately not able to replicate this behavior. 
Steve Guluk Replied
Anyone find a resolution to this? It's a new issue with the latest version we install on Tue (1-22-2019).
Giovanni Zomer Replied
we had this problem August 2018;
the problem was solved with a succcesive version than the one we installed before;
we are now working on Version: 16.3.6733, and it didn't happen again;
we also cleared caches and did a lot of other stuff, but it was probably the update which solved the problem;
as you are reporting here, it seems the issue was reintroduced in this new version (we won't update the actual version as it is working well)

Steve Guluk Replied
We tried the clearing of Cache with no success. And it's a tough one as I can not recreate the issue though I have a client on the phone that clearly has this issue.

FYI we have this version installed: Build 6956 (Jan 17, 2019)

Jane Noel Replied
We've encountered this with several browsers (Safari/Chrome) on different Iphone and Ipads.  I don't think it's a cache issue because on the Iphone 6 we tested on, it had never been to our Smartermail login before.

We're running tests on Iphones/Ipads because a client is having a related issue.  In Safari, there is no send button visible when she creates a new mail or replies. She sent a screen shot and it appears she needs to scroll up to the send button, but is unable to scroll up.

We're trying to duplicate her error, but when we try (even from here account) to make a new mail or reply to an existing mail, we just get a blank page and the "Error Loading Autocomplete List" message.

We recently upgraded and we're on Build 6963 (Jan 24, 2019).

FYI, Tony from support currently has access to my server for other stuff he's working on for me.

Jane Noel Replied
I did some further testing. 

On an IPAD  iOS 12.1.3 and (I guess that means Safari 12) and Chrome (71.0.3578.89)

  • I completely deleted everything that I could delete from the autocomplete list of an ex-employee. (All but employees@domain.com).  Cleared the cache (both browsers) and tried again. Same error.
  • I created a new user in an existing domain. Cleared the cache and tried again. Same error.
  • I created a new domain that's never been part of an upgrade, cleared the cache and tried again. Same error.

On  MacBook Air (10.13.4) Safari (11.1) it worked as expected.
Steve Guluk Replied
iOS devices run Safari for iOS by default but you can download a Google Chrome browser on iOS devices also if you want to try other tests.
Jane Noel Replied
Hi Steve,

I ran these same tests in both Chrome and Safari - same results on both.
domains Replied
Has anyone come up with a fix to this problem? It suddenly popped up for me after completing the upgrade to SmarterMail Enterprise Version - 100.0.7118
Jane Noel Replied
I'm currently on SmarterMail Professional Build 7090.  This issue seemed to have resolved itself in on of the many upgrades I've had applied over the last couple months.

domains Replied
This problem was just reported to us - running SmarterMail Enterprise Version - 100.0.7125. What is the solution? The server was rebooted and that didn't help. Anyone have suggestions?
Michael Replied
Anyone get a solution on this?
One of our users now sees error loading the autocomplete list when loading their mail.
Upgrade to the v.7523 first.

Then try to reindex the user.
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)

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