Can not upload profile picture
Problem reported by Brian Davidson - 11/2/2017 at 8:16 AM
I am unable to update my profile picture in SM 16. The web interface allows me to do the upload and resize the photo, but saving does nothing and a red "x" remains next to the photo.
I have tried a couple of different photos (JPG) of different sizes, but nothing works. Is this a known bug? 

16 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Brian
It's not a known bug. If you save the setting, then clear the cache in your browser, does that work? Have you tried in other browsers? Or logging out and back in to see if the change is saved? I've tried a few different pictures of various size and file types and it is working for me.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Roger Everton Replied
(RE: Having Same Problem)
I have been able to upload a profile pic but it will not stay.
I click on the avatar and the browse comes up and I select a picture and the picture is displayed where the avatar was with an "Red X" in bottom Right corner...
I am allowed to save it and it stays with the red X in bottom right corner of picture.
As soon as I click any other link on the left then return to the profile the picture is gone.
I have repeated this process with GIF, JPG, and PNG with veriny size... What is the trick?
I am using Smartermail 16.3.6628 Professional 250 Users
Is this a Enterprise feature
Thanks for any help...
Brian Davidson Replied
I still have this issue despite the various troubleshooting suggestions. A little thing, but very frustrating.
Roger Everton Replied
I am still waiting for someone -- Please!
First Post March 8, 2018


This happens to everyone in SmarterMail since we went with version 16. I have not been able to get a profile picture to stick.

It uploads with no problem, saves then when I switch from one menu option to another the picture is gone.

I upload in Firefox and view, or try to view it in Chrome and the same result no profile image will stick. Various sizes and formats nothing.

Now the company wants to upload all their employees photos up there and I can't even get mine to work.

This has just been a peeve but now has become an issue...

Roger C. Everton
Mikael Bang Korsgaard Replied
Did you find a solution ... having the same issue
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi everyone,

I've been unable to replicate an issue with the profile image in the latest version, Build 7016 (Mar 18, 2019), or the last SmarterMail 16.x release, 16.3.6989 (Feb 19, 2019). If you're still experiencing this issue, I'd encourage you to upgrade to the latest release. If your license has active Maintenance and Support, please feel free to contact the Support Department for a complete review: https://www.smartertools.com/account#/support. Please just note that SmarterMail 16.x is a legacy product, and as such, no software updates will be provided for this version. 
Brian Davidson Replied
Latest version of SM and still...this doesn't work!!

Anyone find a solution? It's not like it's life altering, but an annoying bug to have permeate through multiple SM releases.
Muthu Replied
We also used Smarter Mail enterprise edition Build 7082 Profile picture uploading issue is not fixed

Brian Davidson Replied
Could this be a Windows folder permissions issue?  Not sure why it would impact some and not others.  
Stephen Smith Replied
Not working as of Aug 8th, 2019!!  We are on the absolute latest version.
mark Replied
Not working as of Oct 14th, 2019!!  We are on the absolute latest Version 7188 (Sep 6, 2019).
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post

We will have a minor this week that resolves this issue. It appears it had to do with a GAL setting, which was fixed. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
mark Replied
No new update for smartermail this week.
Brian Davidson Replied
Just to update, this appeared to work at some point recently, but once again is not working for new profile pictures. I have one account that is showing a photo, but trying to upload one on a new account is back to not working. I can upload a photo and save, but the photo never actually appears. 

On the Oct. 30, 2019 release. Will try again with the new release soon, but it's interesting it worked at some point only to not work again.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I am testing this in our latest release and I am not able to reproduce these behaviors. I recommend checking to ensure:

- Application pool is configured to run as Network Service
- Network Service has Full Control over the C:\Program Files (x86)\Smartertools\\SmarterMail\MRS directory.
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Brian Davidson Replied
Kyle, I'll double check but a while back I'm pretty certain the answer to these was "yes" when checked.  An interesting development out of trial and error.  When I set the one domain I'm using to use Team Workspaces AND allow Chat for a user,I can successfully add a profile picture. However, the profile picture only shows during a chat interaction (so for me, my profile icon in my account screens is still just a "B"). However on another domain setup sometime in the past, the profile picture is visible. So...weird!

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