ST13 questions - integrated help not working everywhere
Question asked by Michael Woffenden - 11/2/2017 at 6:20 AM
Just getting started with the new interface and have a couple of initial questions:
  1. In ST12 I frequently used the integrated help feature while within the management interface.  In ST13 the integrated help seems to have disappeared.  Where is it?
  2. I see that browser notifications are a new feature.  How do I enable this?

9 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi, MIchael
1. The Online Help link is available under your Agent avatar. Click on it and select Online Help. Just as in 12.x, you'll be taken to the help topic based on the page you're on.
2. You'll be asked to accept the browser notifications when you first log in. If not, it could be that browser notifications are being blocked by the browser. Take a look at our KB on how to Allow / Unblock browser notifications for SmarterTrack.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Woffenden Replied
Derek -
Thanks for your reply.  I can now find online help. 
However it appears that the context aware help is no longer there.  This was the most "helpful" part of online help in ST12 and earlier.  Surely it's not gone away?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Michael, can you give me an example? If you're on a page and go to the Online Help link, that *should* take you to the help topic for that page. If it's not, we can fix that...I'd just need to know where you're seeing the issue.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Woffenden Replied
I tried it again and for the most part it is working. However, when creating a ticket in the popup window, it seems there's no way to access ticket help.
Michael Woffenden Replied
Here's another example.  I navigated to "Task Scheduler" under Tasks. 
Not knowing what it does, I clicked Online Help and here's what I see:
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
That's perfect, Michael. Thanks for the example.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Woffenden Replied
Derek - could we convert this to a "Problem" since that's what it really is? I want to make sure it stays on the radar.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Michael,
The Online Help mapping for the Task Scheduler section of SmarterTrack has been fixed. Clicking Online Help from that section will now open to this document:
Thanks for helping us to resolve this page mapping. 
Michael Woffenden Replied
Looks great from here, thanks for the quick fix.

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