can't open messages in iOS 11.0.3 on iPad or iPhone
Problem reported by Gary Steiner - 10/26/2017 at 6:09 PM
Running SmarterMail 16.3.6508, using webmail on iPad with iOS 11.0.3 and iPhone7 with iOS 11.0.3, if you click on a message in the Inbox list, the message will not open.  You can navigate from folder to folder, all the menu items seem to work, you just can't open any of the messages.
​Didn't have this problem with SM 15.x.

13 Replies

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Gary Steiner Replied
Surprised others aren't complaining about this.
Michael Replied
Are you connecting with Exchange Active Sync? You may want to delete the account on the iOS device. Then go into your settings in Smarter Mail (for that account) go to Synchronized devices and delete the iOS device there from the list. Then re-add the account to the phone.
Maybe something changed in EAS between 15 and 16.x and doing a full delete and re-add will help.
Gary Steiner Replied
There's no problem with connecting. SmarterMail loads and you can see the messages in the list. You just can't open them. The iPad is just using webmail, there is no EAS involved.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi Gary,
Yeah, I'm seeing the same behavior: where there's no preview pane, it's not possible to open a message. Interestingly, it works in 11.1. (Which I have no my iPhone.) I'll log the issue and let the devs know. For now, any chance you can use a preview pane? That's working just fine. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
echoDreamz Replied
Same issue reported by a customer this morning.
Gary Steiner Replied
Thanks, Derek. The customer is able to connect to SmarterMail using the Outlook app on the iPhone and open the messages no problem. However, the calendar won't work through the Outlook app, saying "No calendar is connected".
Mike Leo Replied
FYI, this problem isn't limited to IOS 11.x, Recently migrated all users to SM 16.x, and defaulted all domains/users to no preview pane.  Complaints started coming in, "cannot open email on iPhones in webmail".  I verified it was a real problem with both IOS 10.x and IOS 11.x.  Also verified the problem does not exist with Droid devices.  Work around for me was to globally propagate preview pane-bottom for all domains/users, and the complaining users were happy.   Definitely needs to be put on the fix list!
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Mike. This is resolved and will be in this week's release. If you don't use a preview pane, double tapping an email will open it in a new window. I've verified this.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
I realize I replied to Mike but just so everyone knows: this issue is resolved and will be in this Thursday's (November 9) minor release. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mike Leo Replied
I installed yesterday's release 16.3.6522.  Turned off the preview pane back off, and tested it with four iPhones.  Upon double clicking an email header in IOS 11.0.3, it went squirrely, and eventually left be back at the home login page.  Doing the same with an IOS 10.2.1 iPhone, the email message opened full screen, but there was no way to get back or close it, just delete/forward/etc. by the command buttons.  Back/forward browser arrows are disabled.  So once again, the only solution for IOS devices at the moment is to enable the preview pane bottom.  FYI 
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Have you tried clearing the cache in the browser? I ask as this is working fine on my iPad running 11.0.3.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mike Leo Replied
Clearing the cache in IOS 11.0.3, preview pane off, seems to work, and back arrow works to take to the inbox. So that's a closed item. In IOS 10.2.1, after clearing cache, same issue, once email opened full screen, no functional back buttons working to go back to the inbox. However, if you hit multiscreen to tile multiple windows, you can see the inbox and get back to it, but awkward. Verified on two IOS 20.1.1 phones. Close, but still an issue there, FYI.
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Good to know, Mike. I'll work with the dev team on the 10.2.1 issues.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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