Sub menus don't work for tablets in SM 14
Question asked by Scott Hendrickson - 9/27/2017 at 10:21 AM
Hi Everyone: 
I've found that some sub menus, specifically those in the light blue bar above the message list, do not work when used from tablet browsers.  On my ASUS Android 6 tablet, they don't work in any of my browsers, Firefix, Chrome, the native Android browser, or Puffin. 
Does anyone know if these sub menus work in mobile browsers in SmarterMail 15.x???
Scott Hendrickson
SOS4Net, Inc.
Centennial, CO. U.S.A.

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Scott Hendrickson Replied
Marked As Answer
Well, if anyone is interested, the answer to this one is YES, sub menus do work properly in v15.
Scott Hendrickson SOS4Net, Inc. Centennial, CO. U.S.A.

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