Custom CSS
Idea shared by John Marx - 8/15/2017 at 2:47 PM
I know in v15 and before of SmarterMail we could inject CSS to override and change settings (e.g. change colors, bold, even hide elements). Can we have this same setting for the entire site as well as per domain in v16? 
If this is available where do we have to go to do it?

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi John,
Thanks for the request. At this time there are no custom CSS settings within SmarterMail 16.x. (Though I believe this could make a come back when themes are introduced.) That said, you can still apply custom CSS to your installation by modifying the system files. Our article, Skinning SmarterTools Products, explains more:
This process can be used in the meantime, and I'll forward your request to bring back the custom CSS section. 
Thank you,
The link to that article is over 5 years old. The folders that it is talking about don't even exists in 16. I just moved from 14.5. The server works great. I just want to remove the "?" help from the top of the login page. I don't want to redirect my clients anywhere. How do I do that?

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