Connections Screen Information
Idea shared by John Marx - 7/30/2017 at 7:24 AM
With the new SmarterMail 16 I have left the spool, connections, etc. up on a separate screen so I can watch for information. On the connections screen you see all these wonderful IP addresses, ports, how many connections they have, etc. What we don't have is what user is connected. If we notice something wrong we have no way of contact a customer and helping them. For example, most have 1 or 2 connections open while others have 10. We would love to talk to the ones with 10 to find out why there are so many connections. But also on the one's that show POP3 rather than IMAP we would love to work with them to move to IMAP (if they can).
This would go for All Connections, SMTP, IMAP, POP, XMPP, and ActiveSync tabs.

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Another great idea, John!

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