Cannot Import Users via CSV
Problem reported by Joe Dellaragione - 7/12/2017 at 9:40 AM
So I have tried this directly from the server, from a domain PC, from IE, chrome, edge, etc. And I always get the same result. 
I have a CSV (I have tried both MS DOS and comma delimited). My CSV simply has the headers Username, password, display name, reply-to, first name, last name. Then 300 rows of values.
I go into Domain Settings > Accounts > Import from CSV and drop the file. I notice the NEXT never lights up unless I click the (?) question mark then immediately close the browser (not sure if that is a bug). When I click next it reads the headers from my CSV and I map them appropriately. Then I click SAVE and the import screen goes away but absolutely nothing else happens. 
Any suggestions? 

9 Replies

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Damir Matešić Replied
This problem was present also in beta version. I pointed it out. They told to solve it but after the release they deleted all beta bug threads and this one missing. If you can't solve the problem, make it disappear :)
Paul Blank Replied
Guessing this with V16?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello all.  This fix will be included in our next SmarterMail 16 minor release.
Damir Matešić Replied
Nice. After 3 months, right in time.
Case Price Replied
Rod, kind of a crucial tool I need working. When is the "minor release" coming?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Case...I just tested using the scenario Joe laid out in his original post and it worked just fine: was able to map the fields and they imported as expected. This is on the latest release from last Friday. (16.1.6425) Are you seeing issues?
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Dellaragione Replied
I am on 16.1.6411 and I can't import contacts either. I will try to upgrade.
Damir Matešić Replied
The issue is not fixed. I opened another thread and a support ticket for the issue.
Damir Matešić Replied
I opened a ticket 12 days before for a CSV adress book import issues i am facing and is still not resolved. 
12 days for a ticket of mapping one simple CSV file. This is a task of few hour of programming.
I have no words to describe how angry i am.

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